
Environmental protection

2024-03-16 12:30:46

Following the green development philosophy, we further implemented theidea of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”. Guided byIFRS S2, we readjusted our goals and indicators with a result-oriented approachand further reduced GHG emissions, mitigating the impact of climate change. Atthe same time, we carried out such practices as energy conservation, emissionsreduction, biodiversity conservation and green education to help foster harmonybetween human and nature.

n  Our Performance

l  In 2023, the GHG emission intensityis 0.12 t/RMB 10,000, the comprehensive energyconsumption intensity is 0.42 kwh / RMB 10,000, the water consumptionintensity is 2.01 t / RMB 10,000, the non-hazardous waste emissiondensity is 20.61 kg / RMB 10,000and the hazardous waste emission density is 0.42 kg / RMB 10,000

n Our Approach to Environmental Protection

We put environmental protection before everything else and embedenvironmental and resource conservation into every aspect of our business. Westrictly abide by such laws as the Environmental Protection Law of the People’sRepublic of China and Law of the People’s Republic of China on EnvironmentalImpact Assessment. We have also established internal environmental controlsystems such as the GYBYS Environmental Protection (Control) System, systemsfor environmental emergency plans and environmental protection self-inspectionand supervision, etc. At the moment, GYBYS and many of its subsidiaries havepassed ISO14001, which marks our improved environmental control.

Climate change is one of the global issues human faces. China hasincorporated the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality into the overalllayout of building an ecological civilization. In response to China’s “30·60Decarbonization Goal”, we have set relevant targets and indicators to facilitatethe goals after analyzing risks and opportunities with reference to disclosurestandard of ISSB.

Committed to the green operation philosophy, we strive to improve energymanagement, water resource management, packaging materials use, waste gasmanagement, waste management and noise management by means of equipmentrenewal, technology upgrading and recycling, facilitating energy conservationand emissions reduction.

By rolling out environmental protection education, we endeavor to pass onthe idea of energy conservation and environmental protection within the Companyand across the society. We hope to enhance everyone’s environmental protectionawareness and together build a green society.

In respond to the national biodiversity conservation strategy, we commitourselves to respecting, adapting to and protecting the nature. We haveestablished relevant biodiversity conservation systems in terms of Chineseherbal medicine cultivation and wildlife protection to maintain ecologicalbalance.

n Our Stories
