
Corporate Social Responsibility:Sustainability

2024-03-16 10:30:53

n SustainableDevelopment Goal

We will continue to adhere to the responsibility idea of "spreadinglove all over the world", and contribute our wisdom and strength to humanhealth.

n Sustainable Development Actions and Commitments

We actively undertake socialresponsibility and put forward sustainable development actions and commitmentsbased on access to health, ethics and transparency, environmental protectionand cornerstone of development.

n  Organizational Structure

TheBoard is the top decision-making body for ESG governance at GYBYS, undertakingthe ultimate responsibility for ESG issues. It leads and oversees theimplementation of ESG-related businesses and affairs, and identifies ESG risks,formulates plans, management policies and performance assessment in partnershipwith other committees of the Company. Secretariat to the Board collaborateswith functional departments, serving as a driving force, to coordinate theCompany's internal and external efforts for sustainability.

n  Sustainable DevelopmentCapacity Building

In order to enhance the Company's ESG awareness and management capabilitiesin ESG, we actively engage third-party organizations to offer ESG training forfunctional departments and subsidiaries. The training focuses on ESGdevelopment trends, the Company's ESG ratings, optimization and updates of theESG indicator system, and requirements on ESG report preparation, so as toensure that each functional department and subsidiary is well-informed aboutthe latest developments in ESG and identifies areas for improvement. Meanwhile,we encourage and guide subsidiaries to enhance their ESG management andpractices and elevate their ESG information disclosure, ensuring that their ESGmanagement policies and strategies are keeping pace with current trends.
